Category Archive: travel

Newfoundland 1

Newfoundland 1




I love the colors and the subject.  I don’t love the reflection of me or the slight distortion of the horizontal and vertical elements.  Straight on had …


Martha’s Vineyard

Martha’s Vineyard

Maybe I should have cropped this – I like the composition, but something bothers me.


Sunset – Baffin Island

Sunset – Baffin Island

The Arctic is a magical place; the clarity of the air and the emptiness are inspiring. Our campsite here was about 120-150 miles SE of Iqaluit. …


Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island

Simple, abstract, beautiful (IMHO).


Baffin Island

Baffin Island

Pretty sure there’s no pot of gold at the end of that rainbow – just permafrost and bog.  Still, not a bad campsite in good …


Mont St. Michel

Mont St. Michel

If you’ve never been to Mont St. Michel, you should.  It’s a magical place with a real atmosphere (even when it is crawling with tourists). …


Meteor City

Meteor City

Arizona – so not strictly “big sky country”. Fair weather cumulus and an afternoon thunderstorm.


Wellington Harbour

Wellington Harbour

One of my favorite images – taken at twilight in Wellington, NZ near the old floating crane (is that still there?)


Bedruthin Beach, Cornwall

Bedruthin Beach, Cornwall

Another “black and white” colour photo.