Category Archive: digital

Newfoundland 1

Newfoundland 1




I love the colors and the subject.  I don’t love the reflection of me or the slight distortion of the horizontal and vertical elements.  Straight on had …


Martha’s Vineyard

Martha’s Vineyard

Maybe I should have cropped this – I like the composition, but something bothers me.


Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island

Simple, abstract, beautiful (IMHO).


Foxton Beach sand

Foxton Beach sand

Sorting of sand granules on the beach in Foxton, NZ




Of all the things to photograph at a ski resort: the hotel swimming pool. Not sure if it’s the altitude, clear air, or just dumb …


Mont St. Michel

Mont St. Michel

If you’ve never been to Mont St. Michel, you should.  It’s a magical place with a real atmosphere (even when it is crawling with tourists). …


Wellington Harbour

Wellington Harbour

One of my favorite images – taken at twilight in Wellington, NZ near the old floating crane (is that still there?)


Bedruthin Beach, Cornwall

Bedruthin Beach, Cornwall

Another “black and white” colour photo.


Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico

Taken just outside Biloxi, MS